To understand what makes us fat, we need to understand a little food science.
More specifically - how our body processes foods in the form of macronutrients.
Let’s dive in!
What we Believe
One of the E3 Nutrition mottos is -
“Helping you achieve Complete Nutritional Freedom”
But, what does that even mean??
We believe that a lack of knowledge leaves you wandering aimlessly, essentially guessing at what foods will move you closer to or further from your individual goals and/or guessing at what you can or can’t eat based on the confusing social media diet trends.
Because of this, you are essentially trapped, or held in bondage. Food has power over you. You can’t break free of the ever-changing diet cycle and thus always fall back to old ways or old habits and remain confused about what works and what doesn’t.
How do we fix it?
One of the three pillars of E3 is Education.
Therefore, we believe that gaining the Education around food Empowers you (second Pillar of E3) to not guess, but actually KNOW “what foods will move you closer to, or further from your individual goals” (another motto of E3).
That education and individual empowerment leads to Elevation (our third pillar).
Your new, deeper understanding of food will create Complete Nutritional Freedom, allowing you to have power over food and see elevated performance and elevated individual goal attainment.
How our Body Works
Your body needs fuel to operate, just like any piece of fuel-burning equipment (cars, tractors, lawn equipment, etc.)
The TYPES of fuel are simply the three macronutrients:
Carbs, Fats, and Protein.
The ORDER in which our body utilizes these fuel options is:
When we intake excessive carbs, our body stores a small amount as glycogen, and the rest gets stored as dietary fat.
On the flip-side, when our body runs out of carbs to burn, it turns to a process called ketosis, where we convert stored fat to be used for energy.
So, when we hear things like “we can’t out-train a bad diet,” this is what it’s referring to.
When we overeat, and “over-fuel” ourselves, that extra fuel is stored as fat.
How to Avoid It
We have covered this in a few more blogs, most specifically -
But, the main theme is - ENERGY BALANCE.
Energy In < Energy Out (Body Weight Loss, Potential Body Fat Reduction)
Energy In > Energy Out (Body Weight Gain, Potential Body Fat Increase)
Energy In = Energy Out (Body Weight Maintenance, Potential Body Fat Maintenance/Improvement)
If we maintain proper energy balance, which CAN change as our lifestyles do, then we will fuel properly.
One EASY way to do check on proper energy balance is to weigh once every 7-10 days (not too often, but not too infrequent).
We believe the scale doesn’t tell the whole story, but in this case, if you are weighing during compliant windows, it tells us a lot about whether we’re eating too much, the right amount, or not enough.
Helpful Tools
Our E3 Nutrition eBook contains a lot of helpful content around energy balance and the three macronutrients.
You can purchase for only $9.99 here!
If you’d like more 1:1 help, we have a staff of (7) certified Nutrition Coaches and (1) Certified Personal Trainer that would love to help.
You can find out more information here!
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We hope you’ve gained some helpful knowledge during this week’s read.
Have a great weekend and God Bless!
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Eli Grambling
Founder, Head Coach | E3 Nutrition